
Hi ….I’m a foody enthusiast who truly believes in the simple joys of life…a warm cup of coffee, a good book and a lough with a friend mean the world to me…….
some of my passions include ethnic home decor , reading , traveling, and discussing with interesting people…….
this space is for me to shed the light on the Algerian cuisine and culture …..If you would like to know more about Algerian Cuisine, you can throw a glance at my french -speaking blog :


and click on  » translate  » at the bottom of the page.  hope you understand  my incapacity to translate  the whole blog as it is  time consuming and very  painstaking process

Thank you for stopping by and enjoy your stay


24 commentaires sur “About

  1. naima dit :

    Ohh my friend, I am really really really proud of you !

    I like you blog , and please if you want some pictures for you blog, feel free to use my pictures, it will be my pleasure, big kisse
    good luck.

  2. naima dit :

    I mean your blog , kisses

  3. Thanks for dropping by and for your offer, Naima . That’s so sweet from you !

  4. Fatima dit :

    I love your blog. I visited your other blog, love the recipes. Keep up the good work and the best of luck to you.


  5. nassima dit :

    salam kaouter tres heureuse pour le grand retour wahoooo c du bonheur que tu nous offre

  6. merci pour votre interet les filles. bisous

  7. AfghanCuisine dit :

    Salaam again
    I hope your doing well :-). I am actually looking for a specific recipe for an Algerian cookie and its so difficult online as almost everything is in French or seems very complicated.
    This is the recipe I found for these powdered almond cookies (Makrout el Louse I believe)
    1-1/4 lb blanched almonds, whole
    1 cup sugar
    2 eggs, beaten
    2 cups water
    1/2 cup sugar
    1 tbs orange flower water (or 1 tsp lemon essence)
    3 cups confectioner’s sugar

    Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

    Place the almonds and sugar in a food processor and process until the amonds are finely pulverized. Remove to a bowl.
    Make a well in the center of the almonds and add the eggs. Stir in the eggs with a wooden spoon until the dough starts to come together. Knead with clean hands until smooth.

    I tried this recipe and it came out very wrong, the inside of the cookie was way too runny and did not hold together
    it just fell apart before I even got it to the syrup.
    Also the syrup came out too thick and and hardened, like the outside of the cookie was crispy from syrup
    as if you were biting into crisp sugar which I dont thing was right.

    Do you possibly have a simple Makrout El Louse recipe for me that is correct? Also I would love is the recipe
    has cup measurements just to be safe.

    Thank you so much, please let me know even these cookies that came out very wrong had a delicous flavor
    I would love to get the recipe correct.

  8. AfghanCuisine dit :

    Hello again
    I am sorry this is actually the recipe I followed please let me know what should be changed, as these came out wrong:
    For the makrout
    3 cups ground almonds
    1 cup granulated sugar
    4 limes, zest of, finely grated
    3 small medium eggs
    To roll
    3 tablespoons cornflour (maize or cornstarch)
    To decorate
    2 cups of light sugar syrup
    2 1/2 cups icing sugar (confectioners sugar)

  9. salam,
    this is a good recipe overall, but may be you underbaked or didn’t let it cool first before plunging it into the sirup…..i don’t know which sirup recipe you followed, the first one would indeed give a very thick result.Actually the role of the sirup is to help the confectionnary sugar stick to the cookie. you should take out very fast , place it on a sieve then coat it with the sugar…I’ll email you the detailed recipe with some tips and videos inchallah ..stay tuned…..

  10. hénia dit :

    esalaamu aleikoum machallah as always since 2007 when i first read your blog culinary delights i loved it and tried many recipes out kaouther … and love this new too! nice intro and nice to read more of algerian traditions behind the food machallah grande bises!!!!

    hénia of http://simplicitybythesea.blogspot.com/

  11. Fab blog! Am only getting to grips with Algerian cuisine. Am enjoying mixing up recipes and modifying. I think your blog will be a huge inspiration to me.

  12. rimmmme dit :

    salem je viens de tomber sur ton blo je suis je trouve sa très bien ce que tu fait tu aurai la recette de ta chantilly que tu utilise pour décorer tes gateau merci bonne continuation a toi

    • salam rime,
      j’utilise de la creme fleurette , que je mets prealblement au congelateur pd 10 mn, ainsi que la jatte ds laquelle je fais monter la chantilly. le froid aide la creme a monter tres vite. a mi chemin, j’ajoute le sucre au gout, et voila. il faut savoir arreter de battre au bon moment, autremment la chantilly prend latexture du beurre
      si tu utilises la chantilly en poudre,
      tu lui ajoutes du lait froid et du sucre au gout et tu bats jusqu’a ce que ca augmente de volume

  13. joe dit :

    I live in the USA and can not find a tajine for bread making. Could anyone help? Thanks. Joe

    • thanks for stopping by joe,

      I don’t think you will be able to find the bread tajine, beyond Algeria and some cities in france.
      just use a pizza or non stick pan like all Algerians living overseas.

      • josemh dit :

        Thank you for the reply. If any one is going to Algeria, I would pay for the Tajine and their trouble to purchase it. Thanks again. Joe

  14. salima jenna dit :

    we miss you kaouther.we can not bear this long absence.let us know about you.we really need you.kisses

  15. salima jenna dit :

    salem kaouthar,ou est ce que vous etes ?Vous savez ?!?on s’inquiete,hein?donnez nous de vos nouvelles?inchallah tkouni bkhir.

  16. je suis vraimment touchee’ par ta fidelite’, ma chere salima,
    jevais bien hamdoullah , sauf que j’etais et je suis toujours prise par mon demenagement
    je te dedie le post que je viens de publier
    bisous a toi

  17. salima jenna dit :

    ohhhhhhhhh kaouthar !! ton retour me rechauffe le coeur enormement,.je suis tres sincere.wallah!!.mille merci pour la dedicace.grosses bises

  18. kary dit :

    bonjour kaouter, je visite votre blog tous les matins depuis sa création mais depuis le mois mai vous n’avez pas posté de nouvelles, j’éspere que vous aller bien et que cette absence ne serra pas longue, donnez nous de vos nouvelles.une fane qui vous admire.kary

  19. Sami dit :


    En premier lieu je me présente, je suis Sami, administrateur de la page web Mytastedz.com. Notre site web est nouveau et j’ai le plaisir de vous annoncer que vous êtes des premiers blogueurs qu’on contacte! Dans ce sens, je trouve que votre blog est riche en bonnes recettes algériennes et arabes entre autres, et voila que je vous écrit.

    Donc, par cette occasion je voudrais vous présenter notre page web. Nous sommes un portail algérien avec plus de -(pour le moment)- 4200 recettes de cuisine ou les internautes peuvent chercher des recettes parmi les meilleurs blogs et pages web d’Algérie et d’ailleurs. Sur notre page, nous avons créé le Top blogs de recettes, où vous pouvez ajouter votre blog gratuitement. Ceci vous permettra d’avoir de la visibilité et ainsi augmenter le nombre de visites sur votre blog. Pour cela, il vous suffit de visiter notre page, vous familiariser avec son contenu, et ajouter votre blog dans la rubrique TOP BLOGS (http://www.mytastedz.com/inscrivez-vous-sur-le-top-blogs-de-recettes).

    Pour votre information MyTastedz.com fait partie de la seconde famille la plus grande du monde de sites de recettes et existe déjà en Espagne, en Suède, au Danemark, en Norvège, et aux États-Unis, entre 45 autres pays. Si vous voulez faire partie de notre famille, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter, vous avez tout à gagner, rien à
    perdre 🙂

    Bien à vous,

  20. janet hadjar dit :

    Bonjour, do you have a recipie for kaitifi? I want to surprise my algerian husband for his birthday. Merci!

  21. Mega dit :

    Salam Kaouthar, wushrak?

    I’ve been looking high and low for interesting Algerian food recipes just before Ramadan since I want to make my husband feel better that this is the first time he is away from home in Ramadan, and he can’t really stomach Asian/Malaysian food. And only on the 19th Ramadan that I stumbled upon your blog and it’s amazing! By now, I’m only good at making bourek for my husband. 🙂 I hope I can still attempt to cook or bake some algerian dishes and sweets you’ve shared on this blog, though many look like they would take a lot of time to prepare. Thank you so much for this wonderful blog! BarakAllahu feek.

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