Tlitli a la sauce rouge aux saveurs du sud Algerien / Algerian Tlitli….

Le sud Algerien….. Un pays de sable et de datte ……De contrees lointaines qui semblent mysterieuses  meme pour les Algeriens du nord comme moi….
avec leur  » deglet nour  » ( dattes Algeriennes), leur oasis verdoyants , leur maisons typiques aux astuces architecturales faites pour  preserver l’intimte’ de la vie , les villes et les gens du sud ont tous les atouts pour a nous fasciner.
Alors que la  cuisine du nord , a l’image de la population et de ses langues parlees,reste typiquement  creole et mediterraneene , la cuisine du sud est plutot rustique, , employant ainsi  des produits pourrant  suuporter la rigueur du climat.
On y mange beaucoup  de cereales  venus du nord,,des legumineuses, ( pois chiches, feves…) mais aussi bcq de produits seches, tels que l’abricot’ et biensur les dattes, 
Le couscous est plus releve’ que celui du nord.

 Si la  cuisine du nord Algerien est basee ‘ sur des epices douces telle que la cannelle , gingembre curcuma a titre d’example ,   qui se marient a merveille avec les plats a sauce blanches, leur donnant ce cote’ fin et delicat qui les characterisent ,celle du sud,  en revanche est plutot epicee’ avec une preference pour les  tomates, ail,  piment et  harissa…..

 la ville de biskra en est un tres bon example avec ses mets tres connus dans le nord tels que les mhajebs, la doubara , (une soupe de pois chiche epicee) et la fameuse chakhchoukha toujours liee’ au nom de cette ville .

Dans un precedent billet, j’ai parle’ du tlitli  ainsi que des autres pates  Algeriennes , fabriquees a la main, puis cuite a la vapeur  avant d’absorber une delicieuse sauce prealablement preparee’ avec des morceaux de viande et une poignee’ de pois chiches et decoree’ d’oeufs durs et de petites boulettes de viande hachee’….

Dans le nord, Le tlitli est souvent prepare’ avec une sauce blanche , au bon gout de smen/ beurre  et de cannelle , l’epice reine qui predomine les sauce  blanches Algeriennes .
A Constantine, on aime , torrefier legerement les langues d’oiseaux avant leur passage a la vapeur.
Personnellement ,j’aime que que mes sauces ou pates blanches aient une legere couleur safranee’, en  ajoutant  une petite pincee’ de curcuma a la sauce blanche .

Aujourdh’ui, je vous propose une version de tlitli rouge tres delicieuse , apprise d’une  une amie originaire de Oued Souf… ville des mille et une coupoles ,situee’ dans le Sud Est de l’Algerie.

La particularite’ de cette recette, mise a part, la presence de la tomate est l’ajout de l’ail au debut et a la fin de la cuisson de la sauce… On ecrase donc l’ail au mortier, on joute le 3/4 au debut et on  garde le reste pour la fin de cuisson, ce qui aide a rehausser les saveurs  et rendre le plat plus savoureux .

Depuis que j’ai decouvert cette astuce , je l’applique sur la plupart des ragouts a base de sauce tomate, comme les haricots blancs ou encore chakhchkhat edfar…une autre specialite’ de l’Est Algerien.
Je profite aussi de ce billet pour vous montrer ma facon de faire absorber la sauce aux pates, traditionnellement on mets les pates dans une marmite et on ajoute la sauce et laisse cuire a feu doux comme on fait pour un riz pilaf…
Je trouve que l’etape de l’absorbtion de la sauce, appelle’  « tejmar  » « تجمار » dans l’arabe Algerien est meilleure si elle elle fait au four.
Le tlitli ou n’importe quelle autre pate Algerienne n’augmente pas de volume , et ne s’attache pas  au plat allant au four surtout si on  utilise les plats jetable en aluminum, qui sont excellents pour ce genre d’operation..

Tlitli a la sauce rouge aux saveurs du sud Algerien:


quelques morceaux d’agneau ou de poulet
1 grand oignon ou deux moyens ( ma grand-mere, qu’Allah ait son ame, disait toujours que les pates et le couscous aiment l’oignon)3  a 4 gousses d’ail  moyennes ecrasees au  au mortier de preference( laiser une gousse pour la fin de cuisson)
une petite tasse de pois chiche trompee’ depuis  la veille
un piment(facultatif)
sel, poivre, ras elhanout Algerien , paprika ( actuellement puisque je n’ai plus d’epices Algerienne, je  mets du gingembre, curcuma , paprika et un cube de bouillon poulet )
2 a 3 cas de puree’ de tomate
une noisette de beurre  pour la fin.
un paquet de tlitli(langues d’oiseaux)

Mettre les morceaux de viande a revenir avec l’oignon et le smen , au bout de deux ou trois  minutes, ajouter l’ail, et les epices. faire revenir sous feu tres doux pendant  plusieures minutes, ajouter alors un peu d’eau,la tomate, et les pois-chiche, qand  ca bouillie, verser environ 1 L et demi d’eau chaude et le pimet, et laisser cuire sous feu moyen.

entre temps, mettre le contenu d’un paquet de langues d’oiseaux dans une jate, enduisez les d’huile (1 a 2 cas) . verser dans le haut du couscoussier et mettre a cuire pd une vingtaine de minutes environ.
verser le contenu du couscoussier dans la jate, asperger d’eau chaude salee’ et poivree’, remuer avec la cuillere .laisser absorber ,puis remettre a cuire encore une fois.
quand vous vouyez que les grains deviennent tendres. les renvereser dans la jatte encore une fois, ajouter 2 bonnes louches de sauce. laisser absorber , remettre a cuire pour une derniere fois.

gouter la sauce , verifier l’assaisonement,  ajouter la gousse d’ail ecrasee’  ajouter plus d’eau au besoin.
enlever la viande et les pois chiches.
mettre les langues d’oiseaux dans un plat allant au four , ajouter la sauce qui doit depasser les  pates d’un doigt. ajouter quelques petites noisettes de beurre, couvrir de papier d’aluminum et mettre au four pendant 15 a 20 mn le temps que la sauce soit absorbee

retirer du four. laisser reposer quelques minutes , verifier l’assaisonement, si le tlitli manque de sel, mettre une pincee’ dans une petite soucoupe, ajouter une goute d’eau, laisser desoudre puis l’ajouter au tlitli.

verser les pates dans une grande assiette creuse, decorer de pois chiche au centre, la viande , le piments et les quartiers d’oeufs tout au tour.

vous pouvez egalement dorer les morceaux de poulet dans un melnge d’huile et de beurre ou les faire rotir quelques minutes au four en leur ajoutant une noisette de beurre.


Tucked into the south mediteran shores, the cuisine of Algeria is blend of the many civilisations that landed or ruled the country through out historty

The northern regions with their costal and mountainous nature blend their regional bounties with the influences of judeo berber ,turksih, moorish, arab and more recently french / piednoir influences
Delicate and soft spices such as cinnamon, ginger, turmeric are whidly used In this region
The cuisine of the south in the other hand is  spicer,, highly seasoned  and bolder .
Garlic, chilly, pepper, toMato paste, and a hot condiment called harissa are widely used.
Tlitli is a delicious Algerian  dish , made with artisanal or ready made pasta (orzo) combining the andalusian tradition of making  one’s pasta ( see spanish fuedelo, Algerian trida …..etc) and the amazigh / berber steaming technique .
Because rice is seldom used as a main dish,as it’s the case in the middle east, the sort of traditional pasta, which are steamed several times than Put to absorb the broth are often  served as a main dish during gathering and ceremonies .
The steaming technique makes the grains of orzo tender while keeping their size… A result you won’t get if you boil them  in plain water
 I already included a tomato- free recipe of tlitli- like  pasta  in a former post. ,so , today,  let me share with you another version I learnt from friend who is  originated from oued souf , an Algerian city located in the  South eastern region of the country .

this recipe  calls for the use of tomato paste and an important amount of garlic  added at the biggining and the end of the broth making . This simple step  makes the dish more fragrant.
Although a bit  time consumer  , Tlitli is  is delicious and worth tryingt home.

:1/2 kg lamb meat or few pieces of chicken
500g /1 paquet of orzo  pasta
2 tablespoons smen (clarified butter/ghee).
1 big or two medium sized onions, chopped
1 cup chickpeas (soaked over night )
salt to taste
1tsp black pepper
ras elhanout ( algerian spices….. personnaly, I use turmeric, paprika , ginger and one cube of chicken broth to replace the adequate spices)
3  to 4  garlic, crushed in a mortar
2  to 3 tbsp of tomato paste
1 chilly

For Decoration :
2 or 3 boiled eggs quatered( optional)
small meat balls seasoned and cooked in the broth. ( optional )
traditionnally, we prepare this type of the steamed pasta in the couscous pot, called keskas, the broth in the lower part of the pot and the pasta in the upper part so it gets all the aromas coming out from the broth.


over low heat, place the meat in the lower port of the couscous pot, brown it with the onion, ghee and species , stir continuously, add the chickpeas , and the tomato paste and one cup of hot water. give it a few boils then pour 1 and 1/2 L hot water. let it simmer over medium heat.
once the steam rises from the pot. add 1 or 2 drops of oil to the pasta, mix well so it gets coated evenly, and place it on the upper part of the couscous pot , just over the meat broth. let it steam for about 30 to 45 mn.
take down the upper part of the pot, and put the pasta in a deep wooden plate called « gasaa » . add some salt and pepper, and slowly sprinkle over one cup of cold water . let the pasta absorb the liquid. mix well with the tip of your fingers and return pasta to steamer and let it steam for another 30 minutes. return the pasta to the gasaa or the deep plate , with a laddle, scoop the top layer of the meat broth and pour it over the pasta . you may need two or three unfull ladlles. mix well , let the pasta absorb the broth and return it once again to the steamer.

check the broth. if the meat and the chickpeas are done, before the pasta gets tender. remove them, cover and set aside.

when the pasta is cooked, place it  it in a disposible  aluminum dish, cover it with the  broth,add few nobs of butter , cover with foil , place in a preheated oven   over medium heat  for 20 to 30 mn ,  until the pasta absorbs all the broth.

once the pasta is well done. return it to a deep plate, check the seasoning, add some salt and cinnamon powder if required then an extra  knob of butter if desired , mix well. spread the pasta in a deep traditional serving plate , spoon the chickpean in the centre, arrange the meat , boiled eggs and meatballs around .

Enjoy !

Algerian M’ssemens, Origins ,And Regional Varieties

Algeria has a wide variety of breads  that reflect the diversity of Algerian food and the various cultures that influenced its cuisine , be it Berber/Amazigh…Andalusian, Othoman , French or Pied Noir….

In his book : Histoire de l’Espagne Musulmane: the emminent historian .ELevi provencal  descrived a typical Andalusian souk :….. »
 » …..le journalier trouvait dans le bazar pour se sustenter, des boutiques de restaurateurs qui preparaient les aliments sous les yeux de la clientele…rotisseurs ( shawaa…) ou des fritures ( kalla’) debitaient ainsi chaque jour , force tetes de moutons, boulettes de viandes, saucisses fortemment relevees….poisson frit et brochettes de viande, de foie, de coeur de mouton, et de graisse, qu’ils faisaient rotir, griller ou frire .on trouvait egalement au souk des fabriquants de beignets frits dans l’huile ( isfanj)des tourtes au fromage blanc ( moudjabanat) de crepes au beurre ( moussamanat ) de gimblettes ( kaak) et mille autres friandises….. »

The study of this litterature, other encyclopedian texts , travellers and chronicals allow us to draw the conclusion that a great deal of every day Algerian dishes go back to the andalusian cuisine thanks to the muslim and jewish refugees who took North African shores as a second home after being chased from the Iberic Peninsular in the XVI century

Mssaman is probably one of the many examples of this influence and constitute an important part of traditional Algerian breakfast or afternoon treats .
Indeed, no thing beats the flaky , crispy multi-layered mssmen, eaten either savoury with tomato -onions mixture or sweet with honey and butter,

when stuffed either with the classical mixture of tomato, onions or otheir modern stuffing , they are called mahjouba or mhajeb…

here are some authentic mhadjebs from Biskra  with the palm tree in the backgroud. LLLLLLLLove them! thanks for sharing Souhila!!!!!

and when cunsumed plain , they are called m’ssamen, Samniat, m’aarek, etc….names that change according to regional lexicon…


Ingredients :

500g fine semoulina ( or half semoulina, half flour for beginners )

1 teaspoon of  salt


oil   or a mixture of oil and melted butter for layering and cooking

mix semoulina, salt and enough water to get a dough. knead thourouly  for several minutes.  divide the dough into balls. cover with a damp towel or plastic wrap and let to rest for few hours, or overnight. the more it rests, the easier it gets rolled. flatten each boll into a big round disc. lightly brush  with oil. fold the disc towards the centre, brush again with oil, bring the opposite sides to the midle until you get a square shape. use an iron skillet to cook both sides of the m’ssemen. the whole process will result into a fluffy and crispy  crepe.

NB: Traditionnaly, we use oil to flatten each ball , but if you are a beginner or  from lazy type  like  « yours truly » you may use a rolling pin to flatten the dough. this technique also  helps reduce the amount of oil  needed to  get a flat and big sheet.

The following are the steps of m’ssemens (plain) or mahjouba /mhadjeb ( stuffed) techniques with pictures gathered from my french blog and my friend kouky’s  who kindly allowed me to use her pictures. ( Thanks, dear !)

For the non proffessionals, a rolling pin can be used to  give an excellent and quick result. in no  time you’ll see your dough ball getting bigger and thiner.

If you are aiming at making a plain m’ssemen, you can carry on oiling and folding you dough .serve with a mixture of butter and bee-honey and a good cup of hot mint tea

 it you prefer the  stuffed version, its time to prepare your favourites filling:

my children also like a nutella version:

on an iron skillet, cook the mssemens on both both sides

serve hot with mint tea, coffee, or cold drinks

Mssemens sheats can also be cooked unfolded then cut into strips to prepare various savoury and sweet  dishes . 

Chakhchoukhat Biskra : is a ceremonial dish made with meat gravy and mssemens sheats and finds its root in the city of Biskra located in the south east of the country. Biskra is not only famous with its delicious and spicy cuisine but is also the birth place of deglet noor, one of the best date varieties in the world.

Here are some picture of  chakhchoukat biskra making  ,  lent to me by my friend souhila . click here to learn more about this dish  and see the whole recipe

first the sheets of mssemens , also called ftir or rogag are prepared and steemed then served with a spicy gravy made with meat, some vegetables such as potato, dried apricots and some time raisins for a sweet and savoury version.

Here is my aunty ‘s delicious chakhchoukha  , enjoyed last time we went back home.

Mssemen sheets can also be served  with roasted meat instead of bread or rice,

here , kouky served  it with  boumfawar, a traditional steammed then roasted pieces of  lamb:


Beside the savoury mssemen, there are numerous sweet varieties ,always present during happy events  and  served eitheir  at the end of dinner or   on their  own with a glass of buttermilk .

among the most prominent sweet versions , we can cite the chaoui ziraoui, made with mssemens sheets, date paste as well as butter and honey.

Mchelouech  is another famous sweet mssemens  , typical of Constantine province and its neignouring towns.  , the mssemens  sheats are cooked , cut into strips, and served with a mixture of butter, honey and nuts.

I’m borrowing some of my friend kouky’s photos to illustrate the making of  the dish .click  here to see the detailed recipe

the sheet is cooked then rolled:

the roll is then cut into strips:

then put to steam :

and finally mixed with nuts, butter and honey:

Thanks to my friends kouky and souhila who kindly opened the doors of their blogs and allowed me to take all the pictures I needed for this post.

Hope I made you want prepare m’ssemens at home ):


Home made dwida…..gritliya ……..another Algerian pasta

To continue my series of posts about Algerian homemade pasta, I ‘d like to shed the light on one of the finest and most difficult  pasta dishes that combine both  othoman heritage  and the amazigh /berber cooking methods ….

the dwida or gritliya as it’s known in my hometown, is a a type of pasta , found only in the Northen cities of Algeria famous with their othoman heritage like Annaba, constantine, Algiers…….etc…….but while the pasta preparation itself is probably Turkish influenced , the method of cooking the dish is typically berber.

 Steaming is an essenciel technique in North African cuisine and a huge number of traditional dishes fall into this category

In fact, the differences between North African and Middleasten cuisine is not solely starch based ( rice versus couscous ) but goes beyond that. North African cuisine with its Berber roots is based around slow cooking  using clay cookwares that  provide moisture and develops flavors to the stews as well as steaming   that allow two dishes to be cooked over the same source of heat.

Dwida or Gritliya is a typical example of how Algerian women fused foreign inherited dishes ( othoman in this case) and giving them a local touches through the steaming technique….

the preparation of the pasta is really hard and time consuming , you need years of watching and exercising to get the right gestures .

to prepare the dough, fine semoulina is gradually mixed with water and kneaded then left to rest for few hours , it is then cut into small balls, and each ball  shaped into  long , extremely thin cords , that would be squeezed  between the tumb and the index.     short, 5 cm long vermicellis are then formed and   left to dry on traditional sieves before   getting  stored.

the following are pictures of the dwida- making – process  ,kindly sent to me  by  my friend  Merry of cuisinetestee’.( Merci merry pour ces precieuses photos qui ont honore’ mon  post. )

you can see  how the dwida is being  shaped and left to dry on the traditional Algerian sieve called gherbal or siyar.

In the past,each summer , during the hot sunny days of August, Algerian women would gather and prepare big amount of different types of traditional pastas called el 3oula or el mouna ……. couscous, trida, mhamsa ( berkoukes/aich) dwida, etc………are prepared for the whole year in a very friendly and joyous atmosphere, women would sing, lough , gossip, share their marital stories or problems, while rolling a grain of couscous or cutting a square of trida…..a true sens of mutual help and fraternity framed by a typical Algerian sociological phenomenon called TWIZA .

because the homemade vermicelli is not begginer friendly, you can replace it by the industrial pasta even if you would miss the authentic taste.

Here are some pictures of dwida prepared with industrial vermicelli pasta.  I grilled half the  vermicelli on a dry frying pan until they got this goldren brown colour and mixed them with the rest of the paquet  to get bicoloured pasta.


Ingredients :1/2 kg lamb meat or few pieces of chicken
500g fresh home or ready made vermicelli pasta
2 tablespoons smen (clarified butter/ghee).
1 finely chopped big sized onion
1 cup chickpeas (soaked over night )
salt to taste
1tsp black pepper
1tbsp cinnamon
safran or 1tsp of turmeric for a golden colour ( optional)For Decoration :
2 or 3 boiled eggs quatered
small meat balls seasoned and cooked in the broth.

traditionnally, we prepare this type of the steamed pasta in the couscous pot, called keskas, the broth in the lower part of the pot and the pasta in the upper part so it gets all the aromas coming out from the broth.

over low heat, place the meat in the lower port of the couscous pot, brown it with the onion, ghee and species , stir continuesly, add the chickpeas and one cup of hot water. give it a few boils then pour 1 and 1/2 L hot water. let it simmer over medium heat.
once the steam rises from the pot. add 1 or 2 drops of oil to the pasta, mix well so it gets coated evenly, and place it on the upper part of the couscous pot , just over the meat broth. let it steam for about 30 to 45 mn.
take down the upper part of the pot, and put the pasta in a deep wooden plate called « gasaa » . add some salt and pepper, and slowly sprinkle over one cup of cold water . let the pasta absorb the liquid. mix well with the tip of your fingers and return pasta to steamer and let it steam for another 30 minutes. return the pasta to the gasaa or the deep plate , with a laddle, scoop the top layer of the meat broth and pour it over the pasta . you may need two or three unfull ladlles. mix well , let the pasta absorb the broth and return it once again to the steamer.
you may need to steam it for a fourth time but if the pasta is well steamed , 3 times should be more than enough. a fresh homemade pasta takes shorter time to get tender.

check the broth. if the meat and the chickpeas are done, before the pasta gets tender. remove them, cover and set aside.

when the pasta is cooked, pour it in a cooking pot , cover it with the meat broth, and let it absorb it over very low heat. i personally prefer to sprad the pasta in a gratin like dish, pour the meat broth , cover it with aluminum foil and place it in the over for 15mn to 20 mn until the pasta absorbs all the broth.

once the pasta is well done. return it to a deep plate, check the seasoning, add some salt and cinnamon powder if required then a knob of butter, mix well. spread the pasta in a deep traditional serving plate , spoon the chickpean in the centre, arrange the meat , boiled eggs and meatballs around .


Ingredients :

1/2 kg d’ agneau ou bien quelques morceaux de poulet
1 grand oignon emince’
une petite tasse de  de pois chiche trompe’ la veille
se, poivre, cannelle, curcuma/safran
faire revenir la viande avec le smen et les epices, ajouter les pois-chiche puis couvrir avec un litre et demi d’eau .laisser cuire.
entre temps, prendre le paquet de vermicelle ,l’enduire avec un peu d’huile pour que ca ne cole pas pd le passage a la vapeur. mettre dans le haut du couscoussier et laisser 30 a 45  mn environ, verser dans une jatte, saler,poivrer et asperger d’un peu d’eau chaude .laisser absorber puis remettre a cuire une 2ieme fois . reverser dans la jatte, verser dessus, 2 ou 3 louches de sauce,laisser absorber et mettre a cuire une 3ieme fois. si la dwida n’est pas encore tendre, repasser a la vapeur pour la quatrieme fois.
apres mettre la dwida, maintenant tendre, dans une marmite, verser dessus la sauce, debarasse’ de viande et de pois chiche. qui doit seulement couvrir la pate,augmenter le feu au depart, puis diminuer a fond et laisser absorber a feu tres deux. 
gouter la pate, rectifier l’assaisonement ou ajouter plus de sauce si necessaire. a la fin mettre une noisette de beurre dans la pate, decorer avec la viande et les pois chiche au milieu, on peut ajouter des oeufs durs et des boulettes de viande hachee’ qu’on jete dans la sauce de cuisson. 


How to make traditional Algerian pasta /trida ….Fabrication de la pate a trida

As I said in a former post, Algerian cuisine has a big range of typically Algerian  pasta that plays the role of rice in other countries .  these dishes are so numerous that I am going to devote a separate category to detail them..

Algerian pasta dishes are very different from the Italian versions. the pasta is made out of semolina then shaped into numerous  ways according to  different regions .  almost every province has its own speciality.

To prepare these dishes, meat ( chicken or lamb) are simmered in an aromatic broth along chickpeas and some vegetables, pasta is steamed couscous- style, then put to absorb the former broth before being served hot with chickpeas on top, and meat , vegetables  around the outer rim.

Today, I am going to show you how to prepare the trida or mkartfa pasta, a speciality of the eastern part of the country. . hope my photos will contribute in shedding more lights onto this delicious dish .

I’ll post the recipe of the dish in a separate article, in the meantime, you can find it detailed in my french blog (clic)


300g of fine semolina ( mine was a bit coarse, as it’s difficult to find good quality  semolina, here in Asia)

200g of all purporse flour

a pinch of salt

1 egg

enough water to blend all the above ingredients


Mix the two flours, make a well in the center, incorporate   salt and egg into the well. use your fingertips to blend the mixture together , adding water each time until the dough is well combined and a smooth dough is formed. knead the dough for 7 to 10 km without tearing it, pushing the dough with the palm of your hand each time. cut it into equal sized balls. deep each ball in cornstarch  , cover and let them rest for half a day. the more they rest, the more they will be more easily worked with.

At this time, you need a pasta machine to help you roll the dough as thinly as possible. if not a rolling pin will work just fine.

with a rolling pin, flatten your pasta ball, as thin as possible  making sure it is not wider than the slot of the pasta  machine. pass the dough on the different slots of the machine, starting by the widest  to the smallest one without skipping the numbers to avoid jamming the machine and tearing the pasta. sprinkle every sheet of pasta with cornstarch. . now that your dough is very thin, let it dry for 15 to 20 minutes until the sheets are dry enough to be cut without having the pasta squares stuck to each other .

superpose the pasta sheets, trim the edges and cut them into strips of  4/5cm large, then into small squares.let them dry for one entire day before cooking or freezing them.

Alternatively, if you don’t have a pasta machine,roll your pasta sheet very thinly then cut it into strips like we do for the fresh italian tagliatelle, only that the trida strips should be larger  Cut s  into small squares


300g de semoule fine de bonne qualite’ . 200g de farine,( ou bien 500g de semouline) un oeuf ‘, sel, et eau pour ramaser.

mettre tous les ingrédients ensemble , pétrir ,( ds un robot / une map,) sinon a a la main sans dechirer la pate . partager en boules egales, saupoudrer de maizena couvrir et laisser quelques heures, ou une demi journee’ si vous le pouvez.

etaler les boules au rouleau puis les passer a la machine pour avoir de fines bandes , je ne donne pas les numeros qu’il faut utiliser puisque ca differe selon les marques des machines, mais faite en sorte que votre pate soit fine sans oublier de les saupoudrer de maizena pour qu’elles ne colent pas a la machine.
Laisser secher 15 a20 mn selon le climat. les bandes ne doivent etre ni trop seches pour qu’elles ne se cassent pas, ni trop fraiches sinon vous aurrez des difficultes a separer les cares. saupoudrer les bandes de maizena , les surperposer egaliser la bordure , couper en bandelettes de 4 a 5 cm de largeur puis en petits carres. laisser secher une journee’ sur un drap propre . le lendemain preparer le plat selon la methode traditionnelle.ou bien mettre au congelateur.

si vous n’avez pas de machine, vous pouvez proceder comme la recette des tagliatelle Italiennes, avec quelques details pres. etaler la pate en un fin rouleau , rouler le sur lui meme  , puis couper des bandelettes qui doivent etre plus larges que les taglietelle puis chaque bandes en petits carres

Enjoy/ Beseha

more photos of the same dish :