Algerian pastry

Rich, crunchy, nutty,honey-soaked, charming  , and beautifully  shaped…….this is  how I would describe the  Algerian pastry……..

Algerians take cookie baking very seriously , they’re always in constant search for new ideas to diversify the design of their traditional pastries , sparing , hence,  no effort or material to create new decadant delights . To my despair , every time I go back to Algeria , I find that the level of cookie is being  raised to a whole new level of sophistication and feel so  » left-behind » with the simple recipes I make for my  family!

So why this obssesion with cookies ?

simply because my fellowcountrymen  have a serious sweet tooth and no afternoon-tea in Algeria is possible  without a cookie. if you ever  get yourself invited to share a cup of coffee with an Algerian family, don’t expect to find savory tidbids but a wide range of of traditional homebaked goodies , displayed  in a round copper tray called siniya along side mint tea , turkish coffee or cafe’ au lait.
This post is an attempt  to categorize the different types of Algerian cookies, because even though people tend to give them the umbrella name of  » patisserie orientale »  every North African or Middle- Eastern  country has its own range of cookies that  may necessarily not be shared with the neighbours…..

Honey-dipped cookies ( halawiyat  maasla  ):

this type of cookies is very  popular in Algeria like elsewhere in the south and east part of the middeteranean . Once baked or fried,  they are generally  dipped or soaked in honey    then garnished with grounds nuts or sesamy seeds . They include makroud, baklawa, ktayef , griwech , mhancha, samsa etc……in addition to a whole new range of modern cookies that have been created in the last decade .


Royal ice -coated cookies ( gateaux glaces):

Unlike the former gategory ,these  cookies are  almost typical to Algeria. Except for the Tunisian » mlebess » , you will not find ice-coated cookies elsewhere in the arabworld ….these conffections  which  are  often  almond or nut based are first  baked then dipped in royal icing and left to dry before being beautifully  decorated . they include  » mkhabaz, arayech, couronnes glacees etc…….

Ice sugar coated cookies:

this type of cookies are often  almond based, whether or not  coated with a thin layer of dough   , they are usually   baked for few minutes then   soaked in a syrup and finally  showered  with ice sugar, they include tcharek lemsaker  and the famous makroud elouz

No bake cookies ( gateaux sans cuisson :

There is  a large  selection  of cookies that fall into this category , either traditional one  like « rfiss » that uses typical local ingredients such    as semoulina, and dates or modern types   like » bniwen  » which is a great way  to  recycle  those ramadan delicacies like  halwat halkoum ( turkish delight)  halwat  tourk ,  chocolate and  bisckuit crumbs . this category includes  rfiss, taminat louz, hrissa, kefta, bniwen to name a few   ……..


Petit Fours : These are the cookies that Algerians make on regular basis to accompagny  their afternoon treats. cheap ingredients such as  flour, egg  , butter and  oil,  are used  in contrust with the above categories that often call for the use of   expensive nuts. examples of these cookies include ghrayba, halwat tabaa, halwat lambout  , sables, croquant,and other  petits fours with different flavours etc…….

Big Thanks  for my friends , kouky ( clic), Naima ( clic) , Naouel ( clic) for kindly  allowing me to use their photos.

NB: My apologies for the photos who appear jumbled and not in the order I put them in my dashboard

9 commentaires sur “Algerian pastry

  1. CoCO dit :

    Trop contente de te retrouver Kaouther !

    Gros bisous à toi ! Je me suis inscrite et je compte bien ne pas en louper une miette !
    Salam alayki ma belle ♥

  2. oummanel78 dit :

    salam alayki chere kaouther tbarkllah 3lik des mains d’or tu as !

  3. Merci pour vos encouragements les filles. c’est tres gentil a vous

  4. oumotalal dit :

    Je passe te souhaiter une joumou3a moubaraka inchaallah.
    Difficile de rivaliser avec tant de bonnes choses machaallah. Lkhmouss3lik.

  5. Akila dit :

    Your Algerian delights are so beautiful yummyyy

  6. ratiba dit :

    coucou kaouther je suis contente de te retrouver ma chere meme en anglais ou en chinois je te suivrai yatik essaha pour tout ce que tu fait et n’hésites pas de prendre des photos de chez moi
    si tu en besoins pour représenter notre Algérie bisous

  7. assia dit :

    I am very hapy or you ma chere kaouther et je suis tres contante de te retrouver , moi aussi j’ai quiter un peu la blogsphere mais je visite vos blog pour voir vous nouvelles ett je suis ravie pour ton nouveau blog, rabi yahafdek pour tous ce que tu nous fait partager
    boussa kbira et a tres bien tot

  8. flower63 dit :

    J’adore la pâtisserie algérienne pour ces couleurs et l’élégance de sa décoration et quand elle est réalisée par une artiste, elle a plus de saveurs, bravo !!!

  9. AfghanCuisine dit :

    I am in love with all Algerian cookies and sweets, they are I think the best in the middle-east/north africa region. The taste is so incomparable, I honestly can eat those cookies everyday and never get tired of them. I just did a post with the Algerian cookies prepared for my engagement party, please post any recipes you may have especially if you can change them into cup measurements thats always helpful. I especially love the ones you have an image of above, its like a crunchy top layer then soft almond inside layer. The design is so beautiful, I cant believe so many Algerian women know how to prepare these cookies, they are so talented. Thanks for your posts, the pictures are making my mouth water 🙂

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